Manage Image Gallery
  • 15 Jul 2024
  • 3 Minutes to read
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Manage Image Gallery

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Article summary


This document is designed to guide you through the process of creating and managing the Azure image gallery and the image versions from CloudLabs global settings. It provides detailed instructions on how to:

  • Create an image gallery in Azure using CloudLabs.

  • Add an existing image gallery from Azure to CloudLabs VM Labs.

  • Sync images to fetch image definitions and versions from the Azure compute gallery to CloudLabs VM Labs.

  • Replicate image versions in other allowed regions.

To perform any action under global-level settings, you would need access to the CloudLabs portal with global admin permission. Refer to CloudLabs Identity and Access Management for more details.

Create an Image Gallery using CloudLabs VM Labs

You can create an Azure compute gallery using CloudLabs. Once the gallery is created in Azure, you can export the images from the labs to this gallery. Follow the steps to create an image gallery in CloudLabs.

  1. Login to

  2. Navigate to Manage VM Labs (1) > Settings (2) > Custom Images (3). Under Custom Images, click on Create Image Gallery (4).

  3. In the pop-up window, provide a name for the image gallery and select a region from the drop-down. Note that only the regions enabled in the global lab-level settings will be visible here. Once you have provided these 2 required values, click on Create.

  4. Now this will create an Azure compute gallery in the selected region of Azure.


When creating an image gallery, selecting 'Use your own subscription' will create the gallery within your subscription. This image gallery can then be used to create images.

Add an Existing Image Gallery from Azure to CloudLabs VM Labs

You can also add an existing Azure compute gallery to the CloudLabs managed subscription within the CloudLabs VM Labs portal by following the steps below:

  1. Login to

  2. Navigate to Manage VM Labs (1) > Settings (2) > Custom Images (3). Under Custom Images, click on Add Existing Image Gallery (4).

  3. You will see all the available Azure compute galleries in the subscription with all the details: Azure Compute Gallery Name, Subscription Name, Resource Group Name, and Region. Select the required Azure compute gallery from the list by clicking on the checkbox corresponding to the gallery (1), and then click on Add (2).

  4. Once the gallery is added to CloudLabs, it will show up under Custom Images.


If you have onboarded your own subscription, the image galleries in your subscription will appear in the list of existing galleries. You can also add image galleries from your subscription to CloudLabs VM Labs.

Sync Images to Fetch Image Definitions and Versions from Azure to CloudLabs VM Labs

Once you migrate/export an image, CloudLabs VM Labs might take up to 24 hours to auto-sync and show it in the CloudLabs VM Labs portal. If you immediately want to use a custom image, you can use the auto-sync feature to fetch the details from Azure to CloudLabs VM Labs.

  1. Login to

  2. Navigate to Manage VM Labs > Settings > Custom images. Click on the Manage Images option under Action corresponding to the image gallery that you want to sync.

  3. Now you will see the image definitions under the gallery with details: Image Definition Name, Latest Image Version, OS Type, OS State, Status, and Created Date. Click on Sync Image to fetch the latest image(s) from the gallery.

Replicate Image Versions to other allowed Regions

You might need to replicate your image version in a different region to set up a lab using the custom image in a different region. You can replicate the image version using CloudLabs VM Labs by following these steps:

  1. Login to

  2. Navigate to Settings > Custom Images. Click on the Manage Images option under Action corresponding to the image gallery to manage the image(s) in the gallery.

  3. Now, you will see the image definitions under the gallery with details: Image Definition Name, Latest Image Version, OS Type, OS State, Status, and Created Date. Click on the Manage Replication option under Action corresponding to the image definition to replicate the image in the gallery.

  4. You will see all the regions that are enabled for your tenant. Select the region (where you want to perform the replication) from the list by clicking on the checkbox corresponding to the region, and then click on Replicate.

  5. Replication might take up to 20 minutes to complete. You can check the status of replication by clicking on Sync Status. If you do not click on sync status, CloudLabs might take up to 24 hours to show the updated status.

Next Steps

In this article, you have learned how to set up an Image Gallery, add, sync, and replicate custom images in CloudLabs VM Labs.

  • You can now start creating labs using these custom images. For detailed steps, refer to the Create Labs article.