  • 12 Sep 2024
  • 2 Minutes to read
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Article summary


In this article, you’ll learn about reports and how to monitor your labs. CloudLabs VM Labs allows you to monitor your labs with ease using Power BI reports. You get access to comprehensive details about labs, including monthly spending, users, and many more.

By the end of this article, you will be able to:

  • Understand and read reports

  • Alter the report to get insightful data using filters

Understand and Read Reports

Follow the steps to visualize the report:

  1. Login to

  2. Navigate to Manage VM Labs (1) > Reports (2). You’ll be able to visualize a detailed report on your hosted VM labs.


    If you are utilizing your own subscription (BYOS) for deployments, the "Unmanaged Resources" tab at the bottom of the Power BI report will not be available. This is because resources deployed within the  BYOS environment are not tracked under the "Unmanaged Resources" tab, as monitoring and management of these resources are handled directly by your subscription.

  3. On the top, you will see the number of VM Labs hosted (1), Users (2), and Active VM Instances (3).

  4. On the right-hand side, you’ll see the Cloud Spend by Lab slide, which provides the total cost incurred by each lab. Also, you will see the Users by Lab slide, which lists the number of users per lab.

  5. In the middle portion of the report, you will find 4 different slides:

    • Users by Month: This slide provides stats on the number of users enrolled per month.

    • Cloud Spend by Month: This chart shows details about the monthly cost incurred by all the labs.

    • Users by Status: This chart shows details about the number of users who have lab VMs in deleted, not claimed, and deployed states.

  6. On the left side of the report, you will find a Lab filter, User Status filter, and Month Year filter.

    • Lab Filter: This allows you to filter the data by specific labs.

    • User Status Filter: Enables filtering by user status.

    • Month Year Filter: Provides the ability to filter data by month and year for more detailed insights.

Altering Reports with Filters

The filters on the left side of the report allow you to customize the data displayed based on Lab, User Status, and Month. This helps in obtaining more specific and relevant insights as per your requirements. Use the visualizations provided to understand trends, identify high-cost labs, track user activity, and monitor the state of VMs. This enables better decision-making and efficient lab management. Below are some examples of altering the report using filters:

  1. Filter by Lab: Select a specific lab from the Lab dropdown to view data for that lab only. For example, selecting "demolabvm" will show details related to that lab.

  2. Filter by Month: Choose a specific month from the Month Year section to view data for that month. For instance, selecting "Jun - 2024" will display data for June 2024.

  3. Filter by User Status: Use the User Status dropdown to filter users based on their status. For instance, selecting “Registered“ will display data for all the users who registered for the labs.

Next Steps

In this article, you have learned how to understand and read reports, as well as how to alter the report using filters to get insightful data.

  • You can now start utilizing these reports to monitor and optimize your labs effectively. For detailed steps on creating and managing labs, refer to the Create Labs article.