Lab Preview
  • 13 Jan 2025
  • 1 Minute to read
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Lab Preview

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Article summary

In the past, the CloudLabs Portal lacked the capability to provide a preview of lab guides prior to accessing the lab itself. Recognizing the importance of giving attendees insight into the lab's content beforehand, we are excited to introduce a novel feature known as the "Lab Preview." To facilitate this enhanced experience, we have incorporated a new button named "Preview," conveniently positioned alongside the existing "Launch" button within the CloudLabs Portal. This intuitive addition empowers attendees to access a sneak peek of the lab's content through the Lab Preview feature.

To configure the Preview doc, please access the Admin portal and follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to the ODL and scroll to the bottom of the page. To enable Lab Preview, please ensure that the Enable Lab Preview flag is checked as shown below. Once the flag is checked, a new field will appear with the name Preview URL. Provide the Preview URL, which is nothing but a link to a JSON file, similar to the masterdoc . The JSON file should have the preview configured. An ideal preview document will be less than or equal to two pages.

  1. In addition to the ODL page, Lab Preview can be configured at the template level as well. The exercise is similar. Navigate to the Template Page, and the experience will be the same as that in the ODL. Refer to the below screenshot.

  1. Please take into consideration the following scenarios:

Scenario A: No Preview URL Provided at ODL Level In the event that the "Enable Lab Preview" option is activated within the ODL section, but no URL is supplied in the "Preview URL" field, the platform will automatically retrieve the Preview URL from the associated Template.

Scenario B: No Preview URL at ODL or Template Level Should the "Enable Lab Preview" option be enabled at the ODL level, yet no Preview URL is specified either within the ODL or its associated Template, the platform will display the Lab guide itself as the Preview content.