Virtual Machine SKUs
  • 15 Jul 2024
  • 26 Minutes to read
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Virtual Machine SKUs

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Article summary


CloudLabs VM size SKUs are a convenient way to choose the right configuration for your lab VMs without worrying about the details of the Cloud VM series, the storage type, and the storage size. A CloudLabs VM size SKU is a combination of these settings that defines the performance, capabilities, and cost of the lab VMs. When you create a lab in CloudLabs, you just have to select a CloudLabs VM size SKU from the list of available options, and CloudLabs will automatically provision the lab VMs with the corresponding Cloud VM series, storage type, and storage size.

CloudLabs offers a set of predefined VM-size SKUs that cover the most common and popular lab scenarios, such as web development, data analysis, machine learning, virtualization, GPU computing, and graphics. You can choose from these SKUs based on your lab requirements and budget. You can also request a custom SKU that allows you to choose a specific Azure VM series and a storage option for your lab VMs if none of the predefined SKUs meet your needs.

As an administrator, you can manage the CloudLabs VM size SKUs that are available in your CloudLabs tenant. You can enable or disable the predefined SKUs or create and edit your custom SKUs. You can also assign different SKUs to different user groups or lab templates, depending on the permissions and preferences of the users. By managing the CloudLabs VM size SKUs, you can ensure that the lab VMs are optimized for the performance, capabilities, and cost that suit your organization and your users.

Currently, you can manage the CloudLabs VM size SKUs by contacting the CloudLabs support team and providing the information and instructions for the SKUs that you want to create, edit, enable, or disable. However, starting July 2024, you will be able to create and manage your SKUs within the CloudLabs portal itself without the need to contact the support team. This feature will give you more flexibility and control over the CloudLabs VM size SKUs in your tenant.

What are CloudLabs VM-Size SKUs?

CloudLabs offers a set of predefined VM-size SKUs that combine a cloud VM series and a storage option. You can choose from these SKUs based on your lab requirements and budget.

A VM-size SKU consists of the following components:

  • CloudLabs SKU Name: A descriptive name that indicates the VM series and the storage type of the SKU.

  • Cloud VM SKU: The Azure VM series that defines the CPU, RAM, and GPU characteristics of the VM. For example, Standard_F2s_v2 is a VM series that has 2 vCores, 4 GB of RAM, and no GPU. The VM SKU defines how many CPU cores, RAM, and if there are any GPUs available with the virtual machine.

  • Storage Type: The type of disk that the VM uses for storing the operating system and the data. Azure offers different types of disks with different performance and cost characteristics. For example, Standard SSD is a disk type that offers moderate performance at a low cost, while Premium SSD is a disk type that offers high performance at a higher cost.

  • Storage Size: The size of the disk that the VM uses is 128GB, 256GB, etc.

How do CloudLabs VM-size SKUs affect Azure Expenses?

CloudLabs charges you based on the actual Azure expenses that you incur when you run the lab VMs. The Azure expenses depend on the VM size and the storage type that you choose for the lab VMs. The VM size and the storage type affect the following factors that determine the Azure expenses:

  • Compute Hours: The number of hours that the VM is running. The compute hours are charged based on the VM series and the region where the VM is located. For example, running a Standard_F2s_v2 VM in the US East region costs $0.096 per hour, while running a Standard_D4s_v4 VM in the same region costs $0.192 per hour. You can find the pricing details for different VM series and regions for Windows and Linux, respectively.

  • Storage Capacity: The amount of disk space that the VM uses. The storage capacity is charged based on the disk type, disk size, and transactions. For example, using a 128 GB Standard SSD disk costs $5.12 per month, while using a 256 GB Premium SSD disk costs $34.56 per month. You can find the pricing details for different disk types and sizes here.

    To optimize Azure expenses, you need to choose the VM size and the storage type that best suits your lab needs and budget. You can use the Azure pricing calculator to estimate the Azure expenses for different VM-size SKUs here.

CloudLabs Default SKU Specifications

The following table outlines the default SKUs and their specifications available in the CloudLabs platform.

CloudLabs SKU Name

Azure VM SKU



Storage Type

Disk Size



2 vCores

4 GB

Standard SSD


Medium/Standard Medium


4 vCores

8 GB

Standard SSD


Large/Standard Large


8 vCores

16 GB

Standard SSD


Medium-Nested virtualization


4 vCores

16 GB

Premium SSD


Large-Nested virtualization


8 vCores

32 GB

Premium SSD


Small GPU-Compute


8 vCores

56 GB

Standard SSD


Alternative Small GPU-Visualization


6 vCores

55 GB

Standard SSD


Medium GPU-Visualization


12 vCores

112 GB

Standard SSD


Small GPU-Visualization


8 vCores

28 GB

Standard SSD


Large GPU-Accelerated Visualization


12 vCores

110 GB

Standard SSD


Medium GPU-Accelerated Visualization


6 vCores

55 GB

Standard SSD



How to Choose the Best CloudLabs VM Size SKU for Your Lab?

Choosing the best CloudLabs VM size SKU for your lab depends on several factors, such as:

  • The Lab Scenario: What is the purpose and the goal of the lab? What are the applications and the data sets that the lab users will work with? How complex and intensive are the tasks that the lab users will perform?

  • The Lab Performance: How fast and responsive do you want the lab VMs to be? How much CPU, RAM, and GPU power do the lab applications and data sets require? How much disk space and disk speed do the lab VMs need?

  • The Lab Cost: How much are you willing to spend on Azure expenses for the lab VMs? How often and for how long will you run lab VMs? How can you reduce Azure expenses without compromising the lab quality?

To help you choose the best CloudLabs VM size SKU for your lab, here are some general guidelines and recommendations:

  • Small: This SKU is suitable for simple and basic lab scenarios that do not require much CPU, RAM, or disk performance. For example, you can use this SKU for labs that involve web browsing, document editing, or basic scripting. This SKU is also the most cost-effective option among the predefined SKUs.

  • Medium Standard: This SKU is suitable for moderate and intermediate lab scenarios that require more CPU and RAM power than the small SKU but do not require GPU or high disk performance. For example, you can use this SKU for labs that involve data analysis, software development, or database management.

  • Large-Standard Large Standard: This SKU is suitable for complex and advanced lab scenarios that require high CPU and RAM power but do not require GPU or high disk performance. For example, you can use this SKU for labs that involve machine learning, big data, or artificial intelligence.

  • Medium-Nested Virtualization: This SKU is suitable for lab scenarios that require nested virtualization, which means that you can run a VM inside another VM. This SKU also offers high disk performance with Premium SSD disks. For example, you can use this SKU for labs that involve virtualization, containerization, or cloud migration.

  • Large-Nested Virtualization: This SKU is suitable for lab scenarios that require nested virtualization and more CPU and RAM power than the medium SKU. This SKU also offers high disk performance with Premium SSD disks. For example, you can use this SKU for labs that involve virtualization, containerization, or cloud migration with large and complex workloads.

  • Small GPU-Compute/Alternative Small GPU-Visualization: This SKU is suitable for lab scenarios that require GPU power for compute-intensive tasks, such as deep learning, image processing, or video rendering. This SKU also offers moderate disk performance with Standard SSD disks. For example, you can use this SKU for labs that involve GPU-accelerated computing, computer vision, or media processing.

  • Medium GPU-Visualization: This SKU is suitable for lab scenarios that require GPU power for visualization-intensive tasks, such as 3D graphics, gaming, or virtual reality. This SKU also offers moderate disk performance with Standard SSD disks. For example, you can use this SKU for labs that involve GPU-accelerated graphics, gaming, or virtual reality.

When you choose a CloudLabs VM size SKU for your lab, you should also consider the following best practices:

  • Test and Compare Different SKUs: Before you finalize an SKU for your lab, you should test and compare different SKUs with your lab applications and data sets. You can create a test lab with a small number of VMs and run some typical lab tasks with different SKUs. You can then measure and compare the performance and cost of the different SKUs and choose the one that meets your expectations and budget.

  • Adjust the Disk Size: When you create a lab VM using a SKU, you can adjust the disk size according to your lab needs. You can increase the disk size if you need more storage space for your lab data, or you can decrease the disk size if you want to save some storage costs. You will need to create a customized CloudLabs SKU to adjust the disk size.

How to Request a Custom CloudLabs VM Size SKU?

If none of the predefined CloudLabs VM size SKUs meet your lab requirements, you can request a custom SKU that allows you to choose a specific Azure VM series and a storage option for your lab VMs. For example, you can request a custom SKU that uses a Standard_B2s VM series and a Standard HDD disk type.

To request a custom SKU, you need to contact the CloudLabs support team and provide the following information:

  • The Azure VM series: The name of the Azure VM series that you want to use for your lab VMs. You can find the list of available VM series and their specifications here.

  • The storage option: The type and size of the disk that you want to use for your lab VMs. You can find the list of available disk types and their specifications here.

  • CloudLabs VM SKU Name: A name of your choice to uniquely identify your custom SKU in the CloudLabs portal.

The CloudLabs support team will review your request and create a custom SKU for you if it is feasible and reasonable. You will then be able to use the custom SKU to create your lab VMs in the CloudLabs portal.

Starting July 2024, you will be able to create and manage your SKUs within the CloudLabs portal itself without the need to contact the support team.


Q. How is the pricing for Windows/Linux licenses handled in CloudLabs?

A. The cost of the Windows Server and Linux licenses is included in the Azure expenses that are incurred when you run the lab VMs. Windows 10/11 (client OS) requires you to have a volume licensing agreement with Microsoft.

Q. How is the quota request handled for these SKUs?

A. VM quota is not automatically available to all customers by default. Customers may need to request a quota increase for their preferred SKU, and CloudLabs will work with Microsoft to facilitate this request. Customers can reach out to CloudLabs support for assistance with requesting a quota increase. Additionally, customers can refer to the capacity page for more information on quota availability and management.