Raising a Lab request
  • 27 Dec 2024
  • 1 Minute to read
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Raising a Lab request

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Article summary

You can establish lab requests using this document, this will assist Databricks Requesters.

  1. Select the Lab Requests option from the menu on the left.

  2. Click on the + ADD button available on the right top corner to add a new lab request.

  3. Next, select the option depending on the upcoming lab delivery or schedule using the drop-down menu in the Track box. You can select one from the list of standard course catalogues.

  4. Continue entering the remaining information, since this will enable the Spektra team to set up the lab appropriately.

  5. Once you Submit the lab request form, you will be able to see the lab request status as Pending.

  6. Now, you can edit the lab request, scroll down towards the botttom of the page and provide the Instructor's details.

  7. Click on the + ADD button to add Instructor's details now.

  8. Choose Instructor from the drop-down on user type, enter the name and email address of Instructor and click on Save.

  9. The status of the lab request is now Pending; the Spektra team will now go over the details and approve it.

  10. The status will later be changed to Approved after approval, and then to Scheduled after the Spektra team has set up the lab.

  11. The status will be changed to completed as soon as the lab is successfully finished.