LMS Integration
  • 13 Jan 2025
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LMS Integration

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Article summary


By leveraging the power of LTI, CloudLabs has integrated with multiple LMS systems like, Moodle, Canvas, and other LMS systems. CloudLabs communicates with LMS systems by leveraging the power of LTI 1.1.

This document walks through the different personas associated with the integration and usage of CloudLabs and LMS systems like Moodle. The process would remain the same for any other LMS system using LTI.

LTI Reference: https://www.imsglobal.org/activity/learning-tools-interoperability

Get your CloudLabs LTI Authorization Keys

Before you can start incorporating CloudLabs learning resources, such as hands-on labs, into your LMS, you must get your CloudLabs authorization keys. Please work with your account manager to get LTI authorization keys for your CloudLabs tenant.

Add CloudLabs components to your LMS Courses.

Once you've got the authorization key, you can add the CloudLabs resources to your LMS adding a new item to your course, typically identified as "External Tool" or as "LTI", depending on your LMS.

Enter the following information when you add the course.

  • Launch URL: https://lti.cloudlabs.ai/lti1p0/launch/yourODLID Tool Name: CloudLabs LTI

  • LTI version: LTI 1.1

  • Consumer key: Shared by your account manager

  • Shared secret: Shared by your account manager

  • Privacy - Share launcher's name with tool: True

  • Privacy - Share launcher's email with tool" True

  • Completion- On opening the training: True

You can replace the ODL ID with your actual CloduLabs ODL IDs and use the ODLs as many times as required for your courses. Follow the below steps to get the ODL ID of the required ODLs you want to include in the course.

  • Navigate to the On-demand lab section.


  • Click on the Edit option of the corresponding On-demand lab..

  • Copy the alpha numeric code from the registration URL and save the ID; you can use this in the Launch URL.


Additional References