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This document is designed to help you manage the users/resources for Check Point Instructor.
Login to CloudLabs Portal
i. Navigate to CloudLabs Portal: https://admin.cloudlabs.ai/
(Note:If you are not yet onboarded, reach out to cloudlabs@spektrasystems.com)
ii. Click on Log In button on right top of the page.
iii. You have following Login Options:
Azure Active Directory (Work or School account)
iv. Select Azure Active Directory Work or School account
v. Please use your work or school account to login
vi. If your LinkedIn account is onboarded to CloudLabs, please sign-in with your LinkedIn account.
vii. Now you are successfully logged in to CloudLabs.
Raising Lab Request
i. Navigate to https://admin.cloudlabs.ai/
ii. Click on Log in button on right top of the page & Sign-in with your work account.
iii. Select Tenant - Tenant name should have your team / organization name. (Check Point ATC, Services & SecureAcademy)
Ensure you are connected to the required tenant in CloudLabs
Note: Use dropdown and if you don't see the above Tenants send an email to labs-support@spektrasystems.com
iv. Once you logged in, you navigate through the menu items on the left.
v. Navigate to Lab Requests.
vi. From the Lab Request page, click on Add button to create a new request.
vii. Select the available tracks, if you're requesting under Check Point-ATC Tenant.
Select the available tracks, if you're requesting under Check Point-Services Tenant.
Advanced Troubleshooting
Advanced VSX R80.x
Check Point Services - Dedicated AWS accounts
Check Point Services - Dedicated Azure accounts
Check Point Services - Dedicated GCP accounts
How many VM hours do you need
Do you need students to start/stop VM
Do you want to keep activation code?
Expected Attendee Count
Click on Submit button.
Now request is in Pending for approval. You can edit the request to make further changes.
viii. If you made request by mistake, you can cancel it at this stage.
ix. You can continue to edit the requests.
x. It is very likely that the Instructor for the specific lab is different from the lab requestor.
xi. You can add instructor to the lab request.
xii. You can add multiple instructors if needed.
xiii. Now request is still Pending for approval
Spektra's CloudLabs team will review the request and respond back in 24 Hours
xiv. Now the request is in Approved state
Typically, one week prior to the workshop, Spektra's CloudLabs team will schedule the Lab
You get Lab Activation URL for attendees (bit.ly)
You can request for earlier lab activation
You also get access to lab configuration
Now, you have two navigation items on the left
On Demand Labs is visible now (play button)
Navigate to On Demand Labs
Why 60 Hours duration
You have requested for 3 days
12+2*24 = 60
Lab environment will be available for 60 hours, during that period, Virtual Machine can be executed for 30 hours
VM Hours can be enforced
Scheduling Virtual Machines Start / Stop in Advance
Since these are multiple day events, you can schedule start and stop of Virtual Machines as per your requirement.
Please follow the below steps to add schedule to start and stop VM's
i. Open the control panel as shown in below image.
ii. Then, scroll down and find Task Scheduler option.
iii. Click on Task Scheduler
iv. Click on + Add Schedule for Virtual Machines Stop
v. Fill out all the required fields:
Scroll down, and select schedule type Stop VM
Select your Time Zone
Select Scheduled Date and Time, then click on Submit button to save.
vi. Now, again click on + Add Schedule for Virtual Machines Start
vii. Fill out all the required fields:
Scroll down, and select schedule type Start VM
Select your Time Zone
Select Scheduled Date and Time, then click on Submit button to save.
Managing the Users & VMs - Start / Stop from Control Panel
1. Adding and Managing the Users to a Lab
Note:As an Instructor, you would have permissions enabled to manage the users in the CloudLabs portal to a specific On Demand Lab.
Please follow the below steps which graphically explains on how to manage users:
i. You would have access to a specific On Demand Lab, click on Users button in Actions pane
ii. Got attendee list already? Use Add User functionality to add users to the lab
iii. Fill out required information, then click on Submit button
iv. Once user is added, send email to user so that he can activate the lab environment
2. Managing the VMs from Control panel.
i. Open the control panel as shown in below image.
ii. Stop the Virtual Machines.
If you want to stop all the Virtual Machines for a specific On Demand Lab, you can stop all VMs together by clicking on Stop VM.
iii. Start the Virtual Machines.
If you want to stop all the Virtual Machines for a specific On Demand Lab, you can start all VMs together by clicking on Start VM.
3. Deleting Users Lab
i. If you want to delete the single user's lab environment, click on delete option
ii. You can also delete the users in bulk, click on ACTIONS button then click on delete deployments
View Virtual Machines Up-Time (Running Hours)
You can also monitor the VM usage (uptime) and status (running or stopped) and then keep them under control.
i. Open the control panel as shown in below image.
ii. Click on VM Usage
iii. Then, you'll be able to view the Virtual Machine's Up-time for all the users.
iv. If, in case you find that VMs are over running than expected, then you can also stop the VMs from the same page.
Stop/Start the Virtual Machine for a Single User
You can also stop/start the virtual machine for a single user, please follow the below steps:
i. Open the control panel as shown in below image.
ii. Select VM Usage under Virtual Machine option
iii. Now, you can see the Virtual Machines as running state with the student emails, if you want to stop a Virtual Machine for a single user you can do that from this page.
iv. Click on Stop button, if you want to stop a single user VM.
v. Click on Start button, if you want to start a single user VM.