CloudLabs for Azure Lab Services Users
  • 03 Jul 2024
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CloudLabs for Azure Lab Services Users

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Article summary


Welcome to CloudLabs VM Labs, a fully managed service designed to host classes, hands-on labs, and hackathons using pre-configured virtual machines at scale.

Why Choose CloudLabs VM Labs?

  1. Seamlessly matches with workflows and use cases from Azure Lab Services.

  2. Supports a wide range of Windows and Linux VMs with image customization options.

  3. Cost optimization features like auto shutdown and restricted VM uptime.

  4. Lab and image migration tools for an easy transition.

Additional Benefits with CloudLabs VM Labs

On top of all the features available with Azure Lab Services,

  1. Direct Web Connect allows users to access their VM directly via the web without any third-party applications.

  2. Streamlined and quick lab creation process.

  3. Enhanced learning experience with gamified guided labs.

  4. Round-the-clock customer support with quick response times.

  5. Custom VM SKU feature with different VM sizes and disk combinations.

Key Differences Between CloudLabs VM Labs and Azure Lab Services

While CloudLabs shares many common concepts and workflows with Azure Lab Service, there are several key differences that are important to understand as you consider transitioning. The following table breaks down these distinctions.

Lab Plan / Lab Account

Azure Lab Service

Labs are associated with either a Lab Plan or a Lab Account, which are entities used to manage global settings for all labs within that entity.

VM Labs

The concept of Lab Plans and Lab Accounts has been removed. All labs reside within a tenant, and what was previously Lab Plan or Lab Account settings are now managed at the tenant level under global lab settings. For more information, visit Global Lab Settings.

VM Hours for Users

Azure Lab Service

Allows the allocation of lab hours to each user outside of scheduled events.

VM Labs

Offers an optional setting called Restrict VM Uptime. If enabled, this restricts user access to VM hours, including during scheduled events. To learn more about VM uptime, navigate to VM Uptime Quota.

VM Pool (Lab Access and Deployment)

Azure Lab Service

Labs must be published by a lab admin on the VM Pool page before they can be assigned to users. This page is also used to manage all VM-related settings.

VM Labs

To better manage costs, labs are deployed on demand when lab users request them, replacing the “VM Pool” with "Lab Instances."
All VM management options remain available but are now located on the Lab Instances page. You can navigate to Lab Instance, to learn more about Lab Instances.

Password Management

Azure Lab Service

Provides an option for users to reset their password after their first login.

VM Labs

Does not offer a password reset option for users. Instead, lab creators can configure the system to generate a unique and random password for each user, which is then provided to the users directly.


Azure Lab Service

Set one-time or re-occurring schedules for VM start and stop.

VM Labs

Not Available

Sync Lab Users from Group

Azure Lab Service

Auto-add/remove the user to the lab by syncing the user list from the group.

VM Labs

Not Available

Teams and Canva (LMS) Support

Azure Lab Service

Integrate VM management and VM user experience with Canva and Teams

VM Labs

Not Available

CloudLabs is constantly working on bringing new features and workflows to VM Labs, including those missing in the above table. Go through the Product Roadmap for more information on upcoming updates.

Transitioning from Existing Labs to VM Labs

Transition Lab to VM Labs: A Guide for Administrators is a guide targeted toward lab admins and walks through the pre-planning and step-by-step process of transition.